Forward, Warrior.

2 min readJul 24, 2020

In front of the eyes ready to judge you even before you realized your own worth, the defined standards they set rooted from their mistakes and live-streamed heartbreaks* you never asked for, you are unrestrained to choose your own path and shape your destiny. You are free from all the limits and cages as you are deserving to soar high.

Keep your heart in your sleeves and so everytime they hand you a grenade*, you know very well how to diffuse it with grace and compassion. However, if there was just too much to lose, never hesitate to throw it like in the sky and watch it good while it shine away. You are allowed to be soft and unbreakable at the same time.

Let your solitude be a shared struggle.* Understand that you don’t have to carry your weight all by yourself. There is nothing wrong with letting people who loves you help you. At the end of the day, courage is something you earn for yourself.

They hate it when you know your own worth. They will not stop pointing their dirty fingers. They will always find a way to pin you down. They will declare a war because of your peace. Because your comfort is their chaos.

Amid all, stay true with what you desire and never be afraid to protect your heartsease.

Remember: You are a woman, through and through.

*lines from somewhere, i forgot




kid. all personal, messy thoughts lined up. simply feeding her freedom.